Google Threat Intelligence
Commvault has built an integration with Google Threat Intelligence where organizations with a valid enterprise Google Threat Intelligence (or VirusTotal) license can investigate Commvault detected threat properties without switching tabs. This enables users to more seamlessly prioritize and respond to threats.
Identify threats sooner
Commvault enables the early detection of threats before encryption, exfiltration, or damage, identifying zero-day, silent, and advanced cyberattacks as they occur.
Advanced threat analysis
Upon Commvault threat detection, you can click into Google Threat Intelligence to further analyze threat properties with the valuable insight and actionable context your organization’s Google Threat Intelligence license is allowed to view – all from within the Commvault platform.
Better defense and faster incident response
Leveraging advanced threat intelligence provides the knowledge needed to strengthen defenses and deliver faster, more coordinated responses.
Related capabilities
Learn more about our platform capabilities.
Patented cyber deception technology to surface, divert, and respond to threats broadly across production and backup environments.
Backup & Recovery
Delivers resilience and recovery capabilities that provide backup and recovery of all workloads across on-premises, edge, and cloud environments.